Weekly Roundup! {April 5 – April 10}
I have been sharing so much content that I’m actually overwhelming myself, so I thought I must be overwhelming other people, too. Thank goodness I created some of this content back in August last year or else my head wouldn’t be above water! But regardless, it has been a hyper-productive few weeks. I can’t keep up with posting all the links to all the things I want you to see, so I’m making weekly roundup posts now!
Here are all the noteworthy things I did this week!
- I REBOOTED WHITE WALL WEDNESDAY! This is definitely the biggest one as it was extremely requested and I loved making them. So here we are. WWW is back!
- I shared a new video: 6 WAYS TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO CONNECT TO AN AUDIENCE. Is it weird to say that I find this video really inspiring? Oh well – I do! I find it particularly helpful. I give exercises to do and I really think it’s an A+ message for branding/marketing on social media.
- The last video I want to share is my weekly DECONSTRUCTING THE EDIT video! It’s a double feature this week all about walls and how to edit them. Sound weird? Good. I hope you enjoy seeing me take apart two of my images in Photoshop!
- I recorded a podcast with my good friend Jed Taufer for his series This Conversation. I have never, ever, in my whole life, found more profound connection when talking to someone before…except my husband…but that’s another story. Jed is, simply put, the most curious, compassionate, and steadfast soul. I hope you enjoy our very candid conversation. It’s almost an hour long so download it to listen to in the car, while you’re doing dishes, cooking, etc.
- I wrote this new article: WHY INVESTMENT IN ART MATTERS. I think it’s a well-articulated argument toward the importance of buying art and might inspire you to take up the mantle today.
- I’m doing a webinar with PHOTOGRAPHERS WITHOUT BORDERS and my good friend Danielle Da Silva. She has such a unique outlook on life and I always look forward to our moving talks together. Join us, or rewatch!
- Finally, our new challenge theme this week is RED! You have until April 11th to submit. All you have to do is upload an image to Instagram and use the hashtag #PromotingPassionChallenge for a chance to be featured.
I hope you enjoy all of this content!
On a personal note, I’m down to working about 15 hours a week due to not having childcare right now, probably the same boat as many of you reading this. Life is HARD when you’re full-time parenting and trying to work in odd hours. I’ve finally got a schedule down, but it took 3 weeks to do it.
To be honest, that’s not very different from what I was doing. Since becoming a mother almost 4 months ago, we’ve only had our foster son in daycare a total of 7 days, so I never was able to find a normal routine. I guess this is just par for the bumpy course lately.
In any case, I was really happy I could get all of this new content out to you and I hope that you enjoy it. I make it with my whole heart and soul in the hope that it resonates.
Happy Creating,