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Tag: surrealism

25/31 July Challenge

25/31 July Challenge

Some of you know that I wrote a book. However, saying that I wrote a book implies that I would have something to show for it, when in fact all I have is a heap of words, half of which are now crossed out, and a blank piece of paper as I start over. I am writing a YA Fantasy novel, and it has been on my mind a lot lately. It has to do with false Gods and an…

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23/31 July Challenge

23/31 July Challenge

Today I noticed a tendency that I have, and probably that many people would have in completing a daily creativity challenge: Repetition of the known. Just think – if you were creating an image everyday, and you had limited time to do so, wouldn’t you have a natural inclination to choose ideas that you feel secure in knowing how to create, rather than ones you aren’t sure how they will turn out? Time is precious, and I don’t always have…

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20/31 July Challenge

20/31 July Challenge

Day 20 and things got WEIRD today. Seriously, really weird. I did a lot of writhing in front of my camera for today’s video to see how much I could get my skin to move over my bones. I also edited what felt like 92,512 hands onto my body. In reality it was only 40. At the center of all the weirdness is a desire to create something personal, unique, and telling of the human psyche. As I was brainstorming…

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19/31 July Challenge

19/31 July Challenge

These are the places only she knows while counting soul shifts in the movement of her wild rhythm.   There in the in between spaces where a throat clears into a cough where no one hears the misstep as loudly as she does in her own ears.   There in the play dough thudding drum roll empty moldable way that her tongue tries to form the words to a song she can’t remember.   These are the places only she…

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15/31 July Challenge

15/31 July Challenge

How often do you let yourself be reborn anew? How often do you challenge your comfort zone, truly – not for show but because you feel that you are ready to stretch, or you need to grow, or you cannot fit in the body that contains you any longer? How often do you attempt the impossible? How often do you let yourself die to be renewed? Rebirth. It is always on my mind. I want to be a thousand people…

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