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Tag: surreal

Homage to Mother Nature

Homage to Mother Nature

As I plan and prep to shoot something different to what I’ve been doing lately, I needed a day of down time to edit something familiar. Do you ever feel like you need to recharge your batteries and do something that reminds you of why you love your craft? That was how I felt the other day when I started piecing this image together. I shot it back in January and only now dug it up. I finally felt ready…

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Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader

All my life people have asked me if I am a leader or if I am a follower. Undoubtedly you have been asked, or have pondered, the same thing. I used to think I was definitely, 100% a follower. I was afraid to lead people, after all. My shyness always got the better of me. I preferred to be in my head than in a social situation. Everything pointed me in the direction of simply being more comfortable following someone…

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Quotes to Heal a Wintry Heart

Quotes to Heal a Wintry Heart

There is sadness and happiness inside every one of us. If you believe there isn’t, I believe you have not found it yet. We are endless in our emotions, feelings, thoughts and dreams. Our ideas can expand forever, and our capacity for love and loss and regeneration is astounding. We are constantly in flux, always moving down a path we cannot see but trust is there. There comes a time for everyone to feel as though they lost the path…

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Promoting Passion Video Blog: 5 Hard Truths

Promoting Passion Video Blog: 5 Hard Truths

This may sound strange, but the more I hear harsh words of reality and wisdom, the calmer I feel about creativity, business, and life. There are 5 hard truths to hear that have motivated and inspired me more than most other things in life, and I want to share them with you. I hold these ideas very close and see them in only positive ways. 1. You may never be as talented as you wish you were.  Always strive for…

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When I Was Little…

When I Was Little…

When I was little my mom told me I could be anything that I wanted to be, and I believed her. When I was little I told my dad I wanted to be a writer, and he let me write. When I was little I wanted to make movies in Hollywood, and my parents showed me how to apply to film school. When I was little I thought I’d try photography, and so I took some creepy pictures of myself…

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