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Tag: self-portrait

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

How, I asked myself, is it relevant to share what my days are like as an artist when everyone is different? The answer came simply: If I share how I structure my time, it might help someone else to shape their routine as well. Comment below how you would categorize yourself: A – Creativity is your hobby B – Creativity is your dream career C – Creativity is your career Meaning, do you practice creativity for fun? Would you like…

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The Freedoms We Are Afforded

The Freedoms We Are Afforded

Freedom. What a huge topic. Working with refugees this year opened my eyes to so much. I began to question if I actually understood what freedom means. If I have never fought for it, know nothing else but it, am of a color that in my country means no discrimination, have never had to flee because of someone challenging my rights…do I understand freedom? I’m not ready to answer that question. I may never be. Instead, I’m inspired to get…

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Shooting With Instant Film

Shooting With Instant Film

Revelation: The thing that surprises me the most about my art is how little I surprise myself. Terrible revelation, I know. I’m in the process of fixing that. In a few weeks I’ll be locking myself in a house to experimentally create the darkest art I can. And, a few days ago, I challenged myself to stop caring so much about what comes out of my photo shoots. I took my Instax Mini camera out and shot with instant film,…

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Fine Art From Scratch

Fine Art From Scratch

I often feel that art is most interesting when it is most inconvenient; when you have no money, no location, nothing to spruce it up. It really comes from inside then instead of relying on the objects around to fill the frame. When you create from nothing, you create from within. As so many of us do, my journey into photography began when I had little resources other than a camera. I had no money, no locations, no props except…

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Creating a Self Portrait

Creating a Self Portrait

I get asked all the time why in the world I take self-portraits. Usually it is a simple curiosity. Especially from fellow photographers who can’t imagine being in front of the camera, this is a strange thing to do. It is vulnerable, reflective, and telling. But it is also a way to take control over all parts of your craft – to focus on the self is to be bold, brave, and mindful. Or at least, it can be. Often…

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