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Tag: promoting passion

Promoting Passion Week 76: Editing Tutorial!

Promoting Passion Week 76: Editing Tutorial!

If there is one thing in the world I love more than anything else, it is helping people in any way shape or form. I don’t know if this week’s video will be of any help or not, but I sure did try! So today I’m sharing and editing tutorial on two different aspects of my creative process: creating shadows and saving images for print. When I asked online about the top techniques that I could share in a video,…

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Promoting Passion Week 65: Proofing Images

Promoting Passion Week 65: Proofing Images

If you create works of art that will eventually be printed, it is important to know how to proof your work. From understanding colors to making sure what you envisioned actually turns into your vision, it can all be rather boring yet still necessary. I personally have always been a little bit neurotic when it comes to proofing my works. I want to make sure it all looks the same across each medium. So here are some tips to proofing…

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Promoting Passion Week 63: Create Your Dreams

Promoting Passion Week 63: Create Your Dreams

So far this year I have been very inspired. Even more than usual, I would say! I’ve been home a lot more than I usually am, and perhaps because of that I’ve had more time to consistently fall into a routine that makes me feel good. The result has been a lot more creating and a lot more experimentation. Just the other day I grabbed my friend and we had a fantastic time in my local sewer. I decided to…

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Promoting Passion Week 62: Blue Sky Days

Promoting Passion Week 62: Blue Sky Days

My life is built on the foundation that I have control over my actions, reactions, and thoughts. I take extraordinary pleasure from that control. I love to test my limits, see what pushes me and what scares me, and live according to my own rules. The reason why I believe in this philosophy so strongly is because I believe in imagination. I believe that reality is what we make it, that we can choose to see or hide. I’ve heard…

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Creating “The Rose Garden”

Creating “The Rose Garden”

There lies in all of us a specific and very personal vision that only we can see. It does not manifest itself outside of an abstract form until we give it a face and name others can understand. Sometimes we call that art. It is the physical creation of what we harbor inside of us. Creativity. Dreams. Forward momentum. This is an idea I am in love with. Imagine how differently we would all see each other if we looked…

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