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Tag: promoting passion

Promoting Passion Video: Finding Adventure

Promoting Passion Video: Finding Adventure

When was the last time you did something completely weird, unique, off-the-wall, and just plain out of your comfort zone? When was the last time you felt truly scared for something you wanted to do, or excited for something you’ve never done before? I believe that adventure is the heart of our lives, and that everyone lives adventure differently. I feel most alive when I do something that scares me, but on a greater level, I simply try to live…

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5 Affirmations

5 Affirmations

This morning I woke up in a bad mood. I can’t say why, I just felt a general grumbling toward the world. I felt unproductive and unmotivated. I wanted to crawl back in bed yet I wasn’t even tired. I walked around the house in circles, not sure of what to start working on first, as I waited for my friend to wake up so we could start the day. But then, as I was bending down to pet my…

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The Golden Rules of the Internet

The Golden Rules of the Internet

The other week I met someone who told me that they wish their life was as perfect as mine. Now let me break down my reaction for you. First I laughed. Then I realized it was more of a serious situation, so I looked confused. Then I blushed. Then I asked what in the world that person was talking about. She explained that she reads my tweets sometimes or sees my updates on Facebook and assumed that I live an awesome…

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What Does Happiness Look Like?

What Does Happiness Look Like?

Sometimes happiness is about redefining that one simple word in our minds. Sometimes it isn’t at all about making changes and being different, but instead about embracing what is all around you. And I think that is why I do feel so happy so much of the time. Because despite the fact that there are things that I am changing in my life, I am so incredibly grateful for everything I have. And, perhaps, it is thankfulness that allows the…

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The World Owes You Nothing

The World Owes You Nothing

Whenever I’m feeling down, I remember this one very important rule that I hold myself accountable to: The world owes you nothing. You owe yourself everything. If ever I begin feeling sorry for myself because of how unfair life can be, I remind myself of how untrue that is. Life can be harsh, but the way we handle those situations can light our life for years to come. We have truly unlimited power to give ourselves the nourishment we need…

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