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Tag: promoting passion

Promoting Passion Week 30: Try Something New

Promoting Passion Week 30: Try Something New

The other week I got a comment that is not at all unusual, simply saying that I should try new things so as to not get stale. I get comments like this frequently enough and they are usually respectful hints that my style might be getting a bit old. Now granted I also get comments saying that my portfolio is too diverse, as I have heard that from a few galleries, so neither can be taken too seriously. If I…

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Promoting Passion Week 26: 5 ACTIONS That Actually Make a DIFFERENCE

Promoting Passion Week 26: 5 ACTIONS That Actually Make a DIFFERENCE

It is one thing to talk about being inspired and finding your passion, but it is quite another thing to actually do it. My last Promoting Passion video talked all about having the right mindset and principles to be able to find and execute your passion. But what about getting muddy, right in the thick of it, and actually doing it? What can you do that will make the process easier and will help the result be success? These are…

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Promoting Passion Week 24: To Dust

Promoting Passion Week 24: To Dust

There are moments in our lives that define us and shape who we will become. Sometimes distance is the best way to see those moments clearly, and others are profound enough to stop us in our tracks and make us change right then and there. I have had many of these defining moments thus far. Listening to a certain song in my husband’s car the first day we met. Chasing hot air balloons with my mom through the countryside. Walking…

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Promoting Passion Week 23: Gratitude

Promoting Passion Week 23: Gratitude

I just returned home from a trip to France. It was the trip of a lifetime and I was beaming when I got back. I swept through the airport, picked up my car, and off I was on a 7 hour car ride home. But that energy was fading quickly, and soon I found myself with a headache, fever, sore throat – the whole 9 yards. I had the flu. And it wasn’t long after that, when I was laying…

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Promoting Passion Video: Prepare for Success

Promoting Passion Video: Prepare for Success

One of the biggest changes I’ve made to my life this year is to prepare myself to succeed instead of hoping success will come, or going “cold turkey” into a new routine. The more I thought about the things that frustrated me in business or even creativity, I realized that they all culminated in one simple idea: Disorganization. By preparing yourself to succeed, you take away the frustrating parts of running a business or being creative. So instead of having…

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