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Tag: promoting passion

Promoting Passion Week 36: Promote Passion!

Promoting Passion Week 36: Promote Passion!

Somebody said to me once that if I don’t share my passion with the world, I am doing the world a disservice. That is some tough advice to take because it forces you to not only acknowledge but accept your worth. But the truth is that we are all worthy, and beyond that, we all have something to give. The less we share of ourselves, the less the world can grow and change and be influenced by the passion we…

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Reach Greater Depths

Reach Greater Depths

Reach greater depths. Do not allow yourself to be defined by where you are now, but instead by where you are going. The journey is dark, yet when a shining light brightens a dark room it seems more powerful than the same light added to a bright room. Any light, no matter how dim, will guide you through the darkness. When you realize that light must come from within, not from those who may walk beside you, you are infinitely powerful….

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This Is Our Story

This Is Our Story

There will be many mistakes and many triumphs that follow when you choose to pursue your passion. You might feel like you’ll never figure out your style… …or feel feel inferior if you use your bathroom light because you can’t figure out how to turn on the fancy one… …or you may give up on lighting completely and take a chance on the midday sun… …you might create your first big print and only then realize all of the editing…

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And the Crowd Goes Wild

And the Crowd Goes Wild

The first time you picked up a camera and clicked the shutter and saw what you created and knew you were hooked, you also knew that you would have to tell your loved ones about your new passion, or at least eventually. For some people this is easy. It is like saying that you had pancakes for breakfast. The people around are fine with it, and it seems normal, like brushing your teeth. But for others the impact of saying…

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Promoting Passion Week 34: Creating a Series

Promoting Passion Week 34: Creating a Series

I think that for most artists, of any variety, there comes a time when practicality and reality meets the dream world that we so often live in. We create because we love it, and in doing so, produce works that are meaningful and special to us. I fully believe that the vision of an artist should never be compromised; yet that doesn’t mean that artists must be oblivious to business. I create because I love to create. Whether it is…

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