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Tag: promoting passion

Promoting Passion Week 52: Cracked, Flawed, and Powerful

Promoting Passion Week 52: Cracked, Flawed, and Powerful

I am in love with endings. They are beautiful, tragic, hopeful and sorrowful all at once. They are death. They are roads ending at walls. They stop us where we are and force us to question what that place has become. To put it simpler: They are beginnings. They are life. They are rebirth. This end of another year does not symbolize the end of one thing as much as it does the beginning of another. And with all beginnings,…

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Promoting Passion Week 48: Find Your Compassion

Promoting Passion Week 48: Find Your Compassion

Here in America we are celebrating Thanksgiving this week. It has always been my favorite holiday, not for what it represents but for the kindness it can breed. I can get into any holiday that promotes kindness and generosity. Here at my house we don’t technically celebrate Thanksgiving, we celebrate ThanksLIVING. When I was visiting a vegan restaurant in Phoenix we saw them promoting the idea of a cruelty-free holiday, and have fallen in love with the idea. I have…

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Promoting Passion Week 46: Dreaming in the Real World

Promoting Passion Week 46: Dreaming in the Real World

The hardest part of starting something new is knowing where to begin. We doubt ourselves, reach into the part of our minds that tells us we will fail or do something wrong, and as a result we never begin. When we step outside of what is ordinary and look for a guide book we stunt our growth. We seek direction in a place where roads have not yet been paved. The myth is that someone else would know where to…

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What is Success, Anyway?

What is Success, Anyway?

I talked to a friend the other day about success, and she said that she has been frustrated by how she has always defined success. Her definition was someone who was entrepreneurial, or someone who has clear focus and determination to start something big. I spoke to another friend about success just before that and she said that she feels unsuccessful because she doesn’t have enough money to move out of her parent’s house yet. And even before that, a…

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Promoting Passion Week 45: Create Your Dream

Promoting Passion Week 45: Create Your Dream

I’ve had a rather crazy schedule this fall season, mostly because of travel and a few deadlines that were wearing on me. Starting in September I traveled to Utah, Nebraska, Washington, California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and New York. I wouldn’t trade a single one of those moments for anything. Each taught me something about myself and about the world. Travel can be difficult, especially alone, but goodness it can be so illuminating. Even with all the middle seats, layovers and delays, I…

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