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Tag: good vs. evil

12/31 July Challenge

12/31 July Challenge

I had such a busy day yesterday that I didn’t have time to brainstorm my next photo. Well, technically, I did have time, but I chose a little self-care instead, which meant eating a giant artichoke and watching Sherlock. It was stupendous. But then 4:00am rolled around and I popped out of bed wondering what in the world I was going to do, or if I should just go back to sleep and phone it in today. I felt awake…

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Creating: “The Shadows We Follow”

Creating: “The Shadows We Follow”

Sometimes change is necessary to feel refreshed, inspired, and motivated. It could be something as simple as changing your daily routine. For me, back in November, it was changing my hair color. I made it white/lavender so that I could feel more like a fairytale character. However, after a couple of weeks, that color faded to a bright yellow, and I had lost the inspiration that came with the change. Once my travel schedule settled down I went back to…

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Promoting Passion Week 39: Strength & Weakness

Promoting Passion Week 39: Strength & Weakness

Strength vs. Weakness. What are yours? Why do I ask? Because understanding these simple (albeit hard to discover) things about yourself will give you the foundation with which you can build the life of your dreams. If you understand your strengths, you are more likely to capitalize on them. You will understand yourself better, make choices that are suited to you and how you want to live your life, and you will gain confidence. Understanding that everyone has something amazing…

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