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Tag: dreams

What Does Happiness Look Like?

What Does Happiness Look Like?

Sometimes happiness is about redefining that one simple word in our minds. Sometimes it isn’t at all about making changes and being different, but instead about embracing what is all around you. And I think that is why I do feel so happy so much of the time. Because despite the fact that there are things that I am changing in my life, I am so incredibly grateful for everything I have. And, perhaps, it is thankfulness that allows the…

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Promoting Passion Video Blog: Live What You Love

Promoting Passion Video Blog: Live What You Love

Last week I felt like I needed to get away. I had a moment where I put my head down and just let myself dream. And when I did that, I thought of a fairy, and the forest, and what I could do with that inspiration. Soon it morphed into something entirely different, and I found myself, about one hour later, flinging my body onto a rock in the middle of a creek. And all of this is wonderful –…

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A Wand is Just a Stick in the Wrong Hands

A Wand is Just a Stick in the Wrong Hands

If you know me, you know that I am a child. I am a little innocent child at the center of it all and that is how I love living my life. I don’t turn a blind eye to all things, but if I can control how I see a situation, it is very often with a child’s innocence. For this reason, and many more, I have a vivid imagination as well as an insatiable appetite for all things magical….

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Promoting Passion Video Blog: New Year, New Blog & A Speed Edit!

Promoting Passion Video Blog: New Year, New Blog & A Speed Edit!

There is no way that I could start a new year without a new endeavor. Stagnation is the enemy and I want to constantly push myself in ways that I think will be better for me in the end. This new video is the first of many. They will be posted every Monday of this year, dealing with a new topic each week. Some will be educational, some silly, some serious, and all dealing with my passions in the hope…

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