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Tag: dave junion

What’s Near and Dear

What’s Near and Dear

So far this year has been one of change in most of the best ways possible. Every change is scary yet so often works out for the best. I’m hoping to hire my first employee this year, which is terrifying yet so very necessary. I am branching out and trying new things, like making a documentary and writing a novel. I am re-branding just a bit, still creating photos constantly but also becoming increasingly interested in motivation and inspiration. All…

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Promoting Passion Video Blog: Photography School for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Promoting Passion Video Blog: Photography School for Survivors of Human Trafficking

I know that I can’t say in so many words what the video already does, but let me give this a short try. My life was changed last year when I visited Kolkata, India. I taught photography to survivors of human trafficking with emphasis on storytelling and confidence. We did self-portraiture and learned about the importance of finding your own voice and using art to tell it. After that experience I felt something was missing, and with the beautiful idea…

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