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Tag: darkness

Reach Greater Depths

Reach Greater Depths

Reach greater depths. Do not allow yourself to be defined by where you are now, but instead by where you are going. The journey is dark, yet when a shining light brightens a dark room it seems more powerful than the same light added to a bright room. Any light, no matter how dim, will guide you through the darkness. When you realize that light must come from within, not from those who may walk beside you, you are infinitely powerful….

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Promoting Passion Video: Free Your Imagination

Promoting Passion Video: Free Your Imagination

One morning last week I was sitting outside as the sun was rising. A bluejay followed me to where I was sitting and perched in a tree close by. We looked at each other for a long while until he flew off. A minute later he returned, this time with 2 friends. They sat all around me that morning and I felt so at peace, feeling accepted by nature and the beauty within. I took that inspiration, and one of…

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Promoting Passion Video Blog: Create Your Own Magic

Promoting Passion Video Blog: Create Your Own Magic

I find no greater joy in the world than believing I can create my own reality. I may not be able to live it constantly, but if I can get lost in it even for mere moments, my life is brighter for it. This is the driving force behind why I create. I want to get lost in those worlds that I dream of, the ones that I have full control over, that I can create with some imagination and…

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