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Tag: cardboard box

Fine Art From Scratch

Fine Art From Scratch

I often feel that art is most interesting when it is most inconvenient; when you have no money, no location, nothing to spruce it up. It really comes from inside then instead of relying on the objects around to fill the frame. When you create from nothing, you create from within. As so many of us do, my journey into photography began when I had little resources other than a camera. I had no money, no locations, no props except…

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Promoting Passion Week 87: Think Outside The Box!

Promoting Passion Week 87: Think Outside The Box!

The other day, something amazing happened. I broke my, what seems like, year long creative block. I’ve been creating and have created some images that I know will last in my portfolio, but I’ve felt a bit repetitive and have wanted to break out of it, but nothing “new” and fresh came to my mind…until the other day. I wanted very badly to create in a new way. I woke up thinking about a photo idea I had for a…

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