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Tag: backstage photos

Creating: “The Shadows We Follow”

Creating: “The Shadows We Follow”

Sometimes change is necessary to feel refreshed, inspired, and motivated. It could be something as simple as changing your daily routine. For me, back in November, it was changing my hair color. I made it white/lavender so that I could feel more like a fairytale character. However, after a couple of weeks, that color faded to a bright yellow, and I had lost the inspiration that came with the change. Once my travel schedule settled down I went back to…

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Promoting Passion Week 30: Try Something New

Promoting Passion Week 30: Try Something New

The other week I got a comment that is not at all unusual, simply saying that I should try new things so as to not get stale. I get comments like this frequently enough and they are usually respectful hints that my style might be getting a bit old. Now granted I also get comments saying that my portfolio is too diverse, as I have heard that from a few galleries, so neither can be taken too seriously. If I…

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