Creating “Percussion”
I’m working on two main series this year. One I will document via video but will not be sharing the final images until a gallery debut later (NYC, January 2017, wahoo!). The other, which includes this image, is all about fragility. It is a very special topic to me, since I’ve often been seen as fragile in the eyes of others and have come to believe it myself on occasion. Because of this, I’m often fighting to be seen as strong and smart and capable.
A lot of this stems from having Fibromyalgia, which I’ve detailed in other blog posts. I might have a limp one day but feel fine the next, but the only thing anyone can remember is that one time my body ached, so I must be weak. And to be honest, I am in ways. I’m not as strong as a lot of other people, I do have painful days (and weeks and months, sometimes), and so this idea of fragility plagues me. For most of December and January I was in a flare up of pain and had to walk with a cane for a lot of my outings. But, I can happily say, I’m feeling much better!
And, my cane looks like something out of a fairytale, so it’s all good!
In all seriousness, the theme of fragility has always fascinated me. I think it is beautiful in so many ways, and I’ve always loved writing about it and capturing it as well. I’ll write more about it in blog posts to come, but for now, I wanted to share this image.
I was inspired visually by the video came Limbo. It is a truly incredible visual narrative that has given me a new visual interest to explore.
As I was shooting this image, I knew I wanted a strong stream of smoke. I typically use really safe, totally harmless smoke emitters. This time I pulled out one of my 5-year-old smoke bombs from a fireworks website. I’ve used them before, and they were mostly safe, but this time…I decided to put it in a glass jar to set it off so that I could work my camera while it was going, and the result was that it trapped too much oxygen and created a giant, flaming flame. Fire was shooting into the air about a foot high. Luckily that stopped after about 10 seconds and after the sparks settled down, the smoke began pluming just as I wanted it. I got many different, fantastic shots of smoke! And thankfully I was outside for all of this, on cement, so there was no danger.
I love that photography always lets me create memorable days that turn into stories in my mind. I hope you enjoy this new image, more to come!
7 thoughts on “Creating “Percussion””
Hi Brooke,
I know what it’s like to be in pain, trust me.
I have been searching for a way to express it in a photo and finally I’m getting there.
It’s not always easy to have something other don’t understand because it’s not visible. I often think how many people have pains be it visible or unvisible or psychological. If there’s one wish in the whole world I could make then it would be to end all suffering oh, make that two wishes, end all wars to 😉
Don’t let it get you down Brooke, work with it 😉
Lots of love
Hello Brooke,
First let me thank you for being YOU, your Art has Inspired me to try and go from being on one side of the camera to the other.
Having someone judge a image of me has never bothered me ,but have that same person pass a judgement on something I have created and I’m a total mess.
Hopefully one day we will meet face to face and have a good laugh about where we have been and where we are going .
Peace be yours.
Hello Brooke, I’m glad you’re feeling better. I am very proud and respect for you. I always saw and continue to see a strong, smart and capable woman. You do not need to prove me anything, all you need is to be you. I have no doubt that you will continue like that and I effectively am always on your side. Stay well! Love the image. xoxo
Love following your creative journey, Brooke! You are oh-so-capable and strong! Looking forward to your 2017 gallery debut of new images. Thank you for sharing the GIF of your compositing process above. You inspire so many!
LOL LOL LOL!!! I bet that was funny when that smoke bomb went haywire! I love it when that stuff happens. LOL
I have rolled my ankles riding BMX which really hurts, so I can’t imagine having to deal with that all the time…. I am sorry, but am glad you are doing better! 🙂
That is really mean to say you are working on a new series, but you can’t show us till 2017! Now I have a year to wonder about it. 😉
Limbo? Now I have a new game to look into, thanks! 🙂
It’s good to hear that you are feeling better and that you didn’t hurt yourself using the smoke bomb! I can’t stop watching the gif, it gives me a a small glimpse in to your creative process which is amazing. I’m really looking forward to your new series.
I’ve seen your others posts about Fibromyalgia and It honk you’ve been having in there pretty well. I know of one person I believe to be in the situation as yourself but I think if she were a little more creative, she would be happier. She complains all the time… I love you work, Brooke!