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Author: brookeshaden

Week 6 Challenge: Flowers

Week 6 Challenge: Flowers

Flowers are an incredibly evocative prop. They are rich in color, delicate to the touch, symbolic of growth/beauty/death…and my personal favorite are either: dead flowers, or death flowers, like calla lilies. Did you know that the calla lily was my wedding flower? I can’t wait to see what flowers you use, or if you only use the theme symbolically! I’ll pull some of the art that I see this week to feature! Use the hashtag #PromotingPassionChallenge so I can find…

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How to Make a Wire Sculpture (part 1)

How to Make a Wire Sculpture (part 1)

On today’s DIY list, we’re making wire sculptures! I’m demonstrating how I do this on a large scale, but you can try the same thing for tiny sculptures, too! I started making wire sculptural pieces for a photo series, so my plan to use this wire is ultimately to be photographed. The next part of the DIY will go through how to finish the piece and photograph it. MATERIALS LIST:Chicken WireGardening GlovesWire CuttersPliers I use chicken wire because it is…

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How to Create a Strong Portfolio

How to Create a Strong Portfolio

When it comes to creating a strong portfolio, confidence is key. The more you can stand behind your work, the better received the work will be. This is true of anything we do in life. Our own confidence inspires confidence in others. How do we gain that confidence, and how do we project it? That’s what this outline is for. These are my methods for creating a strong portfolio that I can feel good about. I’ve been an artist for…

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Week 5 Challenge: Fairytales

Week 5 Challenge: Fairytales

Fairytales vary from country to country, but one thing remains the same: Fairytales are cautionary tales. Some of them are sweet as sugar and oh-so-cute. Others are rather horrifying. No matter which way you interpret this theme, it is sure to be very, very fun. Get extra weird this week with it! I’ll pull some of the art that I see this week to feature! Use the hashtag #PromotingPassionChallenge so I can find you! Here is some food for thought….

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10 Things I Love

10 Things I Love

This week, take a look at these 10 things that inspire me. I hope you find inspiration here, too! Let me know if you watch/listen to/read/view any of these! The weekend is the perfect time to jump in. Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself(Poetry) Cai Guo-Qiang (Gunpowder artist) Red Rising by Pierce Brown (Sci-fi/Fantasy book) Warm Bodies (Zombie movie) Blade Runner 2049 (Sci-fi movie) Mirror Mask (Fantasy movie) Aurora (Moving music) The Dark Crystal (Fantasy movie) Maggie Taylor (Mixed media artist)…

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