Promoting Passion is all about encouraging others to live a passionate lifestyle.
I am a fine art photographer, motivational speaker/educator, and writer. I want to share as much as possible in the hope that it will inspire, motivate, and promote passion in the lives of others.
This is my special place. I write here for personal joy and fulfillment. Writing has always brought me a sense of calm. You can read about my photo adventures, thoughts on living an inspired life, and I’ll be sure to post educational tools as well. In addition to writings, you can also find a weekly video posted every Monday, with topics ranging from inspiration and motivation, to business and photography.
Please check out the “Giving Back” page to find out all of the ways in which you can give back to the world through your creative medium. A little bit goes a long way, and touching one life can touch many.
So, if you need a little bit of encouragement…if you need to read a few words with a positive message…if you want to wake up each morning feeling happier and healthier…if you want to help others…this is a good place to start.
With inspiration, kindness and adventure –
Brooke Shaden
Love your tutorials…
You are such a talented smart inspiring genuine person. I purchased your creative live videos and have been following the various YouTube videos. I’m so glad to have found you. Keep up the great work. I see you going very far in life.
I have really enjoyed following you and your amazing work
Love the redesign!
Here’s to ever new artistic adventures, looking forward to your inspirations Brooke.
Thank you for giving me permission…. to be a story teller and an artist.
I love you Brooke. Your post entries make my days. Thank you for your dedication to passion. I look forward to your visit to London.
I love all your works, inspiration!!!
I’ve been a fan since I first saw one of your pictures.
Congrats Brooke!
Your new site looks great. I think it is a well deserved upgrade. I am upgrading my site aswelI. I write in both Norwegian and english, so it has taken much longer than I expected. But as long as it turns out great who cares how much time I spent.
Send you lots of good energy and love.
XoXo Rose
i think your work is amazing ide love to meet you your work is just so inspiring im in the middle of my GCSEs and im using you as one of my artist hope you email back love to get a little advice from you thanks
i love your work so much, I could stare at each image for hours. If you ever need a tall thin model with very long blonde hair and are in the California or close area please let me know. My daughter would love to work with you.
Thank you!
your all the pic are outclass i real big fan of you (heat’s off )
Hi Brooke,
I am from Pakistan and I absolutely love your work. You have inspired me to start my own journey into fine art photography. Infact I have given myself the 365 day challenge and I am learning quite a lot through the process……
Please do check out my blog.
and my portfolio on
I absoluty LOVE your work. You are so different from anything traditional.
I love it!! I would love to get my 13 years old daughter photographed by you. She is passionated by books, with a special emphase on Fantasy and love anything that has to do with dragons. I can’t find anyone that can take pictures of her with dragons. Or that can take pictures that displays her love for books and Fantacy. I am sure that you can do it.
Brooke, I was introduced to you by Kim Roberson (whom I’ve never met, but is a friend of my next door neighbor’s daughter-in-law Megan Gray!) I know there are no accidents, and I was SO excited to hear what you are doing in India. I lived in India in the 70’s for nearly 5 years, and adopted 3 orphans — 2 girls, whom I was told would have been prostitutes if they had not been adopted. I have a business, and my passion for keeping it moving forward after 37 years is making money to provide opportunities for orphans to become entrepreneurs. Blessings on you and your work. I do hope we meet one day!
Blessings in Christ,
your all the pic are outclass i real big fan of you heat’s off

Hey Brooke love your work you put self out there it’s a true artistry by doing that you bring the viewer into your world ,love your style .John
Hey Brooke, Anne Brigmans work is she one your muse I think you took over were she left off she would have loved your work. John Grant
Your work is breathtaking….thank you for sharing.
I just found your work and YouTube videos after someone put a link to one of your videos on ThePhotoForum.com, and I absolutely love your work! I got into photography about a year and a half ago, and shoot mostly nature and landscape. I am in the middle of Kansas, so there is nothing and/or no one else to take photos of. LOL
I have started at week one of your videos and am working my way through!
Thanks for the great work!
Hello Brooke
I watch every week at you photo blog and curious about the subject, often very inspired often accompanied by very fine job of yours.
really perfect job ……… hope you’re here long it goes on ….
regards Frank
Thank you so much for your tutorials. I learned a lot. I do portrait photography but somehow it was not inspiring enough for me. Then I saw some of your videos in you tube then I realized that fine art portrait photography is what I had always envisioned but just didn’t know how to go about it. Thank you very much, your work is an inspiration to me.
Keep up the awesome work and happy shooting.
You are truly inspirational. Love your work.
I recently had the good fortune to see some of your work and read a bit about your philosophy regarding the use of color in your images. As a portrait and landscape photographer, I was immediately struck by your use of complimentary colors and decided to find out more about you and your work. I would live to attend your upcoming Convention in October. However, that will not be possible at this time.
Do you have any books on your techniques or other sources of information your might recommend.
Thanking you in advance for any help you might offer.
Ps. Your work is of course beautiful!
thank you
Love your work!
Thank you for all your inspiring words and photos.
leslie clark
roxborough colorado
Thank you for all that you do Brooke, you are truly an inspiring person!
Aww thank you Amanda!
I love your photos…really amazing…..hugs from Brazil
mind blowned!
G’day, Brooke.
I really don’t know where to start… The inspiration your photography has given me is incomparable. You have in many ways taught me to find myself (literally tearing up rn), my passions, my dreams and a plethora more of things that have guided me to living to my full potential. And one of the greatest is your Promoting Passion Convention!!
And it’s not just the creative industry, literally every industry here needs something like it. I’m Motswana, from Botswana. Located in Southern Africa. We have an incomparable potential to be great, and an unbelievable ‘something'(lack of a better word) to share with the World. But numerous things stand in the way. At the root of them all is a lack of passion. Something you’ve taught me to treasure.
All I ask is that you consider coming to be a part of something revolutionary in my home country. Though I personally haven’t much money, One way or another I will find a way to fly you down here. I want you to be a part of it. I just want to honor you for having helped me changed my life.
Literally, all I need is a “Yes, I’m willing” from you.
You taught me to believe in my dreams with unwavering faith. All I ask is that you believe in mine.
With Love,
Yame Bryce Ntswaneng.
Your amazing!! I’m constantly impressed with your attitude and creativity…..your an inspiration not just for photography but for all creative fields, you approach so many subjects close to all our secret hearts!! BIG LOVE AND HUGE RESPECT BROOKE SHADEN…..please come to the South Island of NZ – you will love!!!
Hi Brooke, I recently purchased your course on fine art compositing and it is excellent, a big inspiration. I gave up on compositing a while ago as I could not get rid of the halo effect and nothing appeared to be blending.
You made me realise that I don’t have to be an Adobe Photoshop genius to create amazing images (and also that living in England isn’t such a bad thing)!
Hope to see you if your ever back over to our little island x
Hi there. I’m Eda Bachelor student in Photomedia. I’m currently in process doing my thesis about ” The Morality in Fine Art”. So I wonder if you can give me some advice or maybe share some ideology in fine art photogarphy with everyone and yes in the same time I will link in your work as ideal example. Email me on fatless.youth@gmail.com and thanks for spending your time to read this. Have a good day.
Hello Brooke!
I just want to let you know that you opened my eyes! Since I was a child I was playing with every camera I found and I already created digital and then printed presents for my parents and family members. Later I became a model and I didn’t hold on to photography because of all the expensive stuff and all the people who are so good compared to what I did. Which I now know is not the point. You opened my eyes: I wasn’t searching to become a photographer like the other photographers I knew, instead I love creating images and send honest feelings to the world. Thats why I also had fun modeling, I was and still am part of creating great images. I just started to create on my own and to publish my images (also selfportraits right now). I am looking forward to where this will take me, where my journey will go – (as I am studying in university something not creative at all,… I will change that). Two friends showed me your profile and your videos (thank you guys!) and I am inspired by your work so much and even I am so far away in austria, europe!
Thank you Brooke for inspiring me!
For the community, here is my website: https://mariellaeisenhauer.wordpress.com/behind-the-creative-camera/ and let’s connect on instagram: mariella_eis
Hi Brooke, I’m wondering if it is possible to use your images for non-commercial use on my blog as writing prompts. Please do tell me if it is bad, or okay. Thank you!
Your work is stunning and very passionate. I was going to recommend a location for future shoots. Silver Creek Falls a photographers paradise and the Opal Creek Wilderness and specifically Opal Creek.
Dear Brook,
Around this time last year I came across one of your videos by accident. Your art, passion and kindness inspired me as a person and woke up a creative side to me that has been asleep for a long time.
I also suffer from mental health problems and by exploring this creative side to my photography I found a way to focus and manage my depressive and manic attacks.
By following your tutorials its helped me to learn editing techniques, setup social media and website + motivating me to stay in creative mode.
I don’t want to go on to much as I am sure you get many of these emails, so I would just like to say thank you for helping me find a new direction and purpose in my life.
I have just been offered my first exhibition in a pop-up arts cafe in London with my mental health series, Seasons of the Mind.
Thank you Brooke
Thank you for making my life a work of art in everything I do and everything I shoot.
You are one very talented and thrifty young lady.
Blessings from Australia
Hinterland photography
Hi Dear Brooke ,,i really like everything about you ,,your pictures,,you creativity ,,your attitude & how you inspire others & of course me ,,i’m a photographer who still don’t know where to start ,,although i know what i want ,,i’m thinking all the time about doing conceptual & surrealism photography & i have a lot inside me ,but i’m still stuck taking regular pictures {landscape,,flowers,,etc..},,i wounder if you can give me some tips or something like trigger to find my way ..
Thank you for what you are doing ..
Best regards
Merry Christmas and a lot of peace running days on our planet.
Best wishes for 2016 and that it will be a creative year for you with lots of inspiring photo creations.
Frank [Edam-Netherlands]
Your pictures are works of art people don’t realize the time and effort that you put into your pieces. I would like to say that you are talitated and gifted. Good job can I send you some of my art. I think you might like. How do I do that. Keep up the awesome creative work. Bobby Stoner
I like your imagination and how you are able to capture it in the image…. Image-in….
Happy Holidays.
Great work, Brooke. Looking forward to what you create and where your adventures take you to in 2016.
Your art is truly inspirational and so so beautiful and I love listening to your videos about coming up with creative ideas. Thank you for inspiring me to improve and grow!
Hello Brooke
My name is Simona. I wrote and published a book (in Hebrew) called The Reversable Death Fairytales – Depression as a Healing Force. The book deals with the feminine depresion as a process of healing through fairytalse and myths such as The decent of Innanna, Sleeping Beauty, snowwhite and more
I am now preparing for a second addition, and i would like to use your picture an alternate route, for the cover.
Is it a possibality for you?
thank you very much
My name is Casey Bower and I am doing a school project on you and I was wondering if you could answer just a few questions for me?
1. What are some important personal events that have happened in your life? (marriage, deaths in family, children, etc.)
2. What are some major events in your career. (Awards, accomplishments)
Maybe someone knows where to put the work in the London for free. Thank you.
Beautiful picture. Magic. Thank you for this.
I’m a poet working with other poets, would it be alright to use an image of yours to write Ekphrastic poetry from? If its OK let me know at my email address, aleezadelta@aol.com. We will note under your photo the name of the photo, your name & the date if available of printing.
I’m attempting to avoid negativity … but I feel locked into a horribly negative critical process as a graduate student (I promise I can take criticism!), and it’s got me in a pretty dark place artistically. Your posts are rays of light as I try to muster beauty and art in an environment that oddly seems to try to snuff it out. Embracing the other forms of creativity I enjoy is also a great thought … I feel like art is really good at becoming a closed circuit, but it’s outside influence that helps move things. So thank you! I always look forward to your photos and posts.
most beautiful awesome work, you are amazing yaa
Hi… I absolutely love your work, it has stunning depth and I can just get lost in your images for hours. I was wondering when you next had planned a visit to the uk? I live in Scotland but would travel to London to hopefully one of your meetings.
Thanks in advance
Dear Brooke!I was floating like a boat without boatman in the ocean of photography! You have opened my mind! Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3
thank you for sharing your textures. I have just done a course in creative black and white photo artistry and think that some of the will be perfect for working in this area.
I see mention of tutorials in other comments here. Where can I find them? your work is beautiful and thought provoking.
I purchased your Fine Art Portraits class. Wow, just what I needed. I was in limbo with my photography. After your 3 day session I was ready to explode. I have turned the corner and started a Dream Runner series of prints. They deal with the weird encounters we experience in our dreams. I have 5 comps in the series. Excited to say the least. Thanks for priming the creative pump in me. Love your work and style.
Hi Brooke
Just want to say that today I finish my 100 weeks video of “Promoting Passion” and want to thank you for taking the time of sharing ….I have learn so much from you, now I want to create hoping to apply everything and come with something amazing, keep you posted.
Sending you love and blessing from Miami, FL
I cannot help but say, I have never paid for a class so fast!
I cannot wait for March 1st for the thirty day challenge.
You have inspired me to try and find my artistic self in a different light.I am not sure how easy that will be for me?
I loved seeing you create amazing work on Creative Live.
I am very excited for this class.It has been awhile since I have been this excited.
Thank you for being the special person that you are.
And sharing your special gifts.
Just signed up for the 30 day challenge. Exciting! From a fellow Temple alum…
Looking forward to this!
I signed up and paid but I haven’t received an email with today’s lesson. I tried putting my email in today but it’s closed. Could you please add me to the email list? I can send you a screenshot of the paypal invoice to show that I paid. Thank you!
As all the other artists mentioned in your comments, you are a very gifted spirit. I would love to learn from you as portraits are my talents, but I have not produced art the way you do. Please guide my photographic spirit in the manner of creating my photo-narrative.
Best Always!
John E
I World like to recibe the newsletter. I love your work.
Kelly, This is Tara Fattal (Sabrina’s mom) I need to ask you to transfer my registration to Samantha Anne Gross please as she will be attending with Sabrina instead of me. Hopefully you have her contact info from last years convention.
Thank you!
Tara Fattal
Hi. I am a non Union model and was wondering if you would be interested in shooting me? Your work is wonderful and I would absolutely adore being apart of it!
(267) 467-2012
I can’t post a photo here and didn’t know how else to contact you so if you can shoot me an email or text I can send you a few shots!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Maria Geiger
Proud of you .
Please tell me about that background music of this piece.
I thought I knew Photoshop until I saw what you do with it – your work is really great and so imaginative. Thank you for sharing.
I love your art work, your’e really amazing.
i must admit i do love your pre-raphaelite stuff it is fab!!
Brooke now maybe you are in Perú now,I thing you are very busy because the white wall wednesday video still not in the air, I hope you are fine, Peru is a litle danger and I hope everything is going well. take care there keep safe and when you have a litle of time let us know you are fine we are worried about you.
I´m sorry I realized that today still wednesday,I was convinced that today was thursday, sorry my mind is on the moon right now.
Thanks for promoting passion, sharing it with others. Love your work!!!
Hi Brooke
i cannot stop watching your youtube workshops and editing videos. It helps me so much. Some things your are mentioning are above my level at the moment, but i hope to grow to that bar as my experience rises more on. The most difficult thing for me is to lighten some parts of the image that it becomes believeable. Right now i am already exited because i finished my first conceptual approach and made my thoughts up of what i want the picture to say.So i have so say thank you brooke. It’s amazing that you reply to so many people though you have so many followers.I am also interested of buying one of your pictures. How much do the cost? Perhaps they are in atmospheric regions and not afforable for me. But maybe they are.
I have subsribed for the portfolio review, and paid through paypall, but did not get any confimation.
Did something go wrong?
Hi Mirjam! You are all set! After your payment you should have been directed to a confirmation page, my apologies if that didn’t happen! Your emails will begin Jan. 1!
Happy to have you!
Hi Brooke, i signed up to the 20 day challenge, but haven’t received anything yet or conformation – just wondering when it would start or any details etc.
Did i miss something out ?
Hi Camilla!
I see that I have your name in for the challenge. I looked up your email in my email service and you are in the system and it says you have successfully received the first 5 emails but have not opened them, so they are probably in spam. Because I have your email in correctly and it says they have sent, I can’t do anything more on my part except to try a different email if you can’t find them. Another thing that helps is to add my email (promotingpassion@brookeshaden.com) as a preferred contact. I will forward the first five days in the meantime!
I hope that helps!
Hi Brooke, I just wanted to say that I had planned to come to the convention this year but due to the fact that immigration is detaining people at random etc I’m not willing to risk it. I apologise for bringing politics into your space but this is a very real situation and of great concern.
Hi Rose! I understand and I am so saddened that anyone has to worry about that. I wish I could just beam you in and let you miss the long flight and the hassle. Hopefully things will get better, but I understand the concern very much and respect that decision. If I can do anything for you from across the big pond, let me know. Hugs!!
Hi Brooke,
I like your artworks for long time , congratulation on your success and good luck to the journey.
I do freelance photoraphy, consider myself as amateur, used to play with photoshop , but not anymore .
wish to make it to the convension
I’d love to see you at the convention!
Thank you for your kindness!
wow brooke your work is amazing, love the surrealism images you create, thank you for inspire me.
Ivan Luckie
Hi!! Are so beautiful your photos!
I´m from Uruguay, a want to know how you realize this effects to the photos.
If I send to you a profesional photo, you make for me a little effect?
I can send you for e.mail.
Very Thank you!!
Brooke you are amazing! I’ve finally found a main source of inspiration for the direction of my photography. Thank you so much for creating this space! Keep up the great work!
Your work is beautiful and inspiring. I look forward to seeing more and learning more. Thank you.
Connect students’ passions to real-world scenarios. While students are preparing for their class-wide robotics competition, show them videos of engineering projects from universities and institutes across the world. Emphasize the real-life significance of machines that are built to help people, whether in life-threatening medical situations or in the kitchen at home.
Hi Brooke! My name is Christos, and I am visual artist from Greece. I found you from Instagram and your work and your presence with your videos and this site are so inspirational and supportive to me! I think that I am not so good to communicate my work to other people, and I feel many times alone doing my art, although I love what I am doing..I am learning from you.Thank you for being supportive, honest, and such a good artist!
Hi. I paid for a course in December. I was of the understanding that although it was to run in January, I could access it any time, however I can’t seem to find it. Could you please advise. Many thanks
Hi Sam!
I’m sorry you’re having this problem! Did you receive the emails throughout January? Sometimes people have the issue of them going to spam or being blocked for various reasons. If you did, you should have all the content and videos. If you did not, I can happily email them to you! I will do so right now with the email associated here – just let me know if you would like me to forward to a different email!
I hope that helps, and let me know if I can do anything further!
hi i love your job. i want your book inspiration in photography, is it in spanish?
Brooke, amazing doesn’t cover it! I am so inspired by your work and undaunted approach to everything you do. Your July challenge has me looking forward to see what you create next; it will be stunning!
Oh Linda thank you, that really means so much to me. I take it as a huge compliment that you say “undaunted”, as that is a word that I would love to define me…though it doesn’t always happen that way. This month though, I’m letting everything be what it is or wants to be, and that really helps. Sending you lots of positivity!
Hey Brooke… Just have to say… you are such a ray of sunshine! Whatever i see of you and your work, you bring a huge smile to my face. Thank you so much for your outlook and want to help other! The world need more like you!!
I contacted you last year regarding a trip over to the UK. Any news on this?
Would be an awesome experience to meet you and take part in a workshop of yours.
Much love,
Hi Mark! Thank you for such kind words, that is so appreciated! No plans for a UK trip yet, but I’m hoping next year is my year to head on over!
Como fotografa novata, mil gracias por tus tutoriales y videos, me encanta el fotomontaje y jugar con los programas de edicion, me divierte mucho la fotografia y crear, por eso gracias, me has dado muchas ideas para sacar mi toque personal.
Me encantan tus trabajos, tener siempre en ellos los sentimientos a flor de piel.
Estoy estudiando ingles, para entenderte mejor en los videso y algun dia me gustaria ir a alguna clase, eres muy inspiradora.Gracias
As a novice photographer, a thousand thanks for your tutorials and videos, I love the photomontage and play with editing programs, I enjoy photography a lot and create, so thank you, you have given me many ideas to get my personal touch.
I love your work, always have feelings in your skin.
I am studying English, to understand you better in the vines and someday I would like to go to some class, you are very Inspirational.
hi Brooke .. can’t chose words to write my gratitude and feelings and love for your work… love the way you inspire people by your photography and description.. really speechelss..love you
Hei Brook
I did see the Content Creation Challenge before it was too late. Will there be a new opportunity and join?
X fingers and toes and hope it will be another chance.
Hello Brooke, I have to say since the first time I saw you in CreativeLive you’ve started my brain working on artistic visions. Before there was only the lovely landscape or wonderful portrait. So thank you!
2.5 (+) years ago I had surgery for a brain tumour the size of my fist. Since then, I’ve been dealing with massive headaches and all sorts of other problems on a daily basis. Not fun! And it makes it very difficult to keep a portrait business (or start it moving) going. I have decided to close my business at the end of August.
On the other hand, I need to continue doing “something” with photography. Its one of those things that is just between all the itch nerves and has to be done! My plan is to produce works that are my visions now. Thank you for doing what you do! Without having seen your work, I don’t think closing my business would be so easy. I would have been floundering around trying to figure out what would have still helped me feel “complete” (sorry words escape me – often!).
Anyways, I just noticed I was too late to sign up for your latest challenge / course. I wouldn’t be able to complete the daily challenges anyways on a daily basis because of my problems, but I’m sure there would be lots to learn and I could work on them when I can. Which brings me to my questions …. Are you going to have another one like this in the future? Can I work on it at my own pace?
Thank you,
Catherine Bowser
What Depeche Mode has always been to my ears
your work is the complimentary marriage to my eyes.
Thank you for inspiring others to find the way to tell their stories too.
New Favorite piece: MANIFESTATION
Are there prints available for sale?
What Depeche Mode has always been to my ears & heart
your work is the complimentary marriage for my eyes.
Thank you for inspiring others to find the way to tell their stories too.
New Favorite piece: MANIFESTATION
Are there prints available for sale?
Hello, Brooke. For many years I have been following you and your work on youtube and became a big fan. I live in Brazil and I am a wedding photographer for 30 years. I used to love wedding photography until a couple years ago when I started to feel very bored with it. I made a lot of money doing it and raised all my 4 children. Two of them are more then 20 and still have 2 little ones. Did about 1600 weddings between here and the US, when I used to live back then. I became really weel known, and my work was featured in Brasilian Bridal VOGUE, I have 12 wedding magazine covers, etc. After finding you, my goal of when I was younger came back., and made me do conceptual , artsy, criative again. I found my own style and ideias. Next week, sept 5th, its going to be my first exibition of my conceptual , fine art at the BRASILIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM, here at the capital. I did many wedding shows here, but I am feeling very proud and honnered this time. I just wanted to let you know, because I feel that you have something to do with it. Sorry I can exprees myself very well in inglish, but I want it to say thank you. Thank for all you videos. Your promoting passion week videos, really openned a new time for me. In december this year, me and my family are moving back to the US , and I hope to meet you one day. Once again, thank you so much. I want to send you the video of the exibition ok!Thanks!
Alexander, that is the most beautiful thing to hear. I am so happy for you, and proud, and really grateful to have contributed any small part to your new found happiness. Thank you for sharing with me, and I hope our paths will cross one day soon!
I just finished an email to you. I have since been looking more at your website/blog and have two questions: 1st- I’d love to own a copy of “Holding myself together “. or something like that. I’m far from rich (senior/fixed income), but how much would the smallest available print of that image be? Secondly, even though it’s too late to join the 15 day challenge, is it possible to buy the book?
You’re amazing! Thanks.
Barbara Pettibone
I only know of your name through Christine because I know she’s flying back to visit you. So I went to check your website and I just wanted to tell you that I think your work is amazing, beautiful and striking.
My teacher showed me your work a while ago and i found it really intriguing and unique. I love the way you create the ideas for your photos so simply and they become something you’d never think of. Your method is inspiring and could be useful in the near future when i get stuck on my own work and can’t think of any ideas.
Hi, we have been in contact before and you have been immensely helpful for me to look critically as a composite and prompt me to uncover what was wrong with it. However, although I am passionate about story in composites, I am struggling with getting out of my rut and so have been doing landscape photography in the meantime hoping to get some inspiration. I have just come across your 15 day challenge which would, I think would have been helpful for me to get out of my rut. Is it possible for me to buy this, I know the challenge is closed, but it is a fantastic product. Kind regards. Lorretta. PS working on my second novel. I hope your writing is coming on.
Thank you so much for your wonderful inspiration, Brooke. I recently followed your CreativeLive 18 day class and was so blown away by your talent and beautiful personality. You are the best tutor I’ve ever come across. Your ability to share your knowledge and talent is of the highest calibre. I’m an artist (painter) who also loves photography and since being inspired by you, I’m trying to get my head around Photoshop. Which of your classes is the one I need first to learn how to do compositing? I’m not sure which one to purchase. Also, do you have any tutorials that show how you included all of those beautiful butterflies in your gorgeous amber-toned self-portrait. I’m so glad I came across you on CreativeLive and I’m now a fan for life! Thank you Brooke.
Sent you about a thousand cirrus clouds (gorgeous!) to the PO box in Scottsdale, and it came back yesterday. Is there a better address, so you get them? Also some ideas on painted wall textures I think you will adore.
Thanks for all the inspiration, It’s really a turn-around for me – I’ve been doing idealized Very Real images for about 35 year. In healthcare, a lot of my viewers are crazy (PTSD in DoD is common, sadly), the drugs are strong, and reality needs to be real. But seeing you makes me think of doing photos for Fun again.
So it’s back to a Fairies in Flowers project I last worked on about 10 years ago….
Thank you.
Uh Oh! I’m sorry for that! Try this one: PO Box 20862, Sedona AZ 86341 <3
Many thanks from Germany for your very beautiful and inspiring works of art.
Thank you just for being there! Thank you for all the inspiration you gave me through this tough time i am going through now. Thank you for being such a great soul!
Thank you for replying my email!!
Thank you just for being YOU!!!
You are truely THE BEST!
Hi, I am doing some work in art about past, present and future, we had to find someone who inspired us and give us ideas. I am doing a project linked with photography and I decided to do a project linked to the art you do. But because I am doing a gcse in it, I need to include information on the photographer who inspired me and make an information page about you, would u mind answering some of my questions, it would really help me. Many thanks.
Hi, Brooke! Last year I told you about my first exhibition with my conceptual work in Brazil. How can I share it with you? I really feel you had a BIG part on my inspiration and I can’t wait for you to see it!
Thanks again…
Brooke-thank you so much for your interactive lecture and talk today, as part of the Wrexham Glyndwr University ‘Creative futures’ event. I was massively impressed with not only your Art, but also your uncompromising attitude to not only your own work, but also to the whims of others. Soon Ross Hughes is a good friend of mine and she has been massively effervescent about your work and ethos and she was absolutely right! I am also a bit of a solitary creature and it is always so refreshing to see others who do what they do, in their own style and make a huge impact-Bravo to you!
Hi Brooke, really enjoyed your new look on the youtube channel. First I would like to say your work is inspiring on some many points. Mainly, it gets the creative juices flowing and that is something I need now since I’m stuck at home on injury leave. Once this is healed and I’m back on my feet I cant wait to go looking for bits and pieces for my shoot.
Take care and keep creating these lovely works of art.
Jon from down under…
Hi brooke im gala from indonesia
I just want to ask you, why you alwayas using square frame or the photo always square?
your work is truly amazing.
Dear Brooke,
I stumbled on this page when I was scouting the net for certain images for a story that I plan to publish on Wattpad. I really liked the one you posted for your blog titled “How my business has never been better?” (Monday, January 8, 2018) [the one under the heading LET ME JUST SAY: RUNNING A BUSINESS CAN BE LONELY.]
I simply fell in love with that picture and somehow felt it resonates with the title of my story “One Thousand and One Lives”
Is it alright if I use the same for my cover, full credit and a detailed mention of where (this blog post link) would be given to you.
Do let me know if you have any objections.
Dear Brooke,
I am writing a story, to be published on Wattpad and while searching the net for a suitable picture for the cover, chanced on this website (one of the pictures which I felt could be suitable was from your flikr ablum from where I got the address to this site. I browsed through your blog posts and just loved the picture for the post (How my Business Has Never Been Better posted on Monday, January 8, 2018).
Could you let me know if you have any objections to me using the picture for my book cover? Full credit would be given to you and I would also post a link to the specific blog.
Thanking you,
Hi Brook,
I have a question for you, but first want to thank you again for your work, and your generosity to other artists. I’m watching your Fine Art Photography Creative Live course right now and am just enthralled.
My problem is, I can’t seem to get over a block to doing more personal, composit photography work. I’m loving learning all about photography, just having a blast with it, but can’t seem to create my personal images–which I have this whole backlog of (like, 20 years of sketches and drawing and ideas). I feel like I need more support as an artist, but not sure how to find it. I have looked for Artist Way groups in my area, but can’t find any. Any suggestions/ideas you might have for me would be much appreciated.
I feel like this I what I came here to do, be an artist, yet it’s just not happening. My mother died a couple years ago, I’m getting older, and feeling this sadness and sense of urgency around all this like never before.
Thank you, Sarah
Hi Sarah! I totally understand where you’re coming from. There are a couple of suggestions – first, join an online group. Even just commenting back to people who comment here on the blog can be an awesome way of making connections. I know people who have commented to each other here and now support and shoot with each other all the time! I also host a yearly convention that is almost sold out (and believe me I’m not trying to sell you on anything), but that was my solution to this exact problem. Getting all the people who feel like they haven’t found the right place and motivations to get together and create. Local camera clubs might be good too, but they do tend to be more technically minded and personally not for me. I’m here for you, too, if ever you want to email with any questions <3
I’m just seeing this! Thanks so much for responding..
Hi Brooke, I love your work and everything about you! I just wonder if it might make more sense to sort the comments here from most recent at the top to oldest at the bottom? I just think it might be more inviting to people continuing to interact? Thanks for all you do!!! ~Tonya
BRILLANT!!! I feel so lucky to found so much inspiration in my life and you are part of that.
I lose the way so many times, so many.
Im fashion Designer and 2 years ago finish the photography carrier. I know this is my passion!! I allways dream big, but many priorities on my life.
Now is the moment.
You looks so happy and very secure that helps me to continue.
I really feel safe here.
It is a new start in my life, I am in a process to divorce with a broken heart, but at the end is a good reason to push harder my dreams!!
Thank for that amazing idea.
I value integrity, kindness and simplicity. With these values subvalues follow such as recognizing beauty, documenting it with art and filling a heart with love.
Brooke, everyday i wait for a new work of you. I need your inspiration, your help in order to create art. You are my passion. And a great person. You have open my mind to a new universe. Thanks Brooke.
Hi Brooke! I’m only just now learning of you and what you stand for and what you’re doing for those of us just learning to be ourselves and learn who we are through expression. I know I’m a few days late, but PLEASE, will you consider allowing me to join the two week journey with you? I will do everything I have to in order to catch up to everyone! PLEASE, let me know if there’s anything I can do. Thank you,
Hi Brooke ,
I have heard about you an hour ago, on a web interview and I was sooo impressed that I spent the last 2 hours reading about you and your work .
What an amazing talented brilliant imagination you have!
I feel stuck in a box with mine and don’t know where to start to break free … maybe now , I hope to feel more inspired and search for my way of expression. I am turning 50 this year and have been dedicating my life to family for the last 17 years. Now, the extra time, as kids are growing, I am getting a bit depressed … I need to find a way out and focus and believe in myself … I have been teaching photography also and that is fullfilling , but not enough as I think can do more with my work … will start now! Thank you for your inspiration and transparency about how you make it happen !
Hi Brooke,
I truly miss receiving and seeing your tutorials. I also am sad to not have any new ones to share with my fellow “creatives’. Despite the fact that I have always been an artist, I have learned so much from you.
Hope you are okay.
Hi Brooke, a year ago I discovered your photos by chance when I was reading a blog about the experience of going to one of your workshops. You have no idea how that moment had changed me, I was in a weird place. I have struggled all my life trying to find my voice and you had inspired me to actually do the hard work to find it. The sole thought of going out alone to take pictures is difficult but very time I am happy now I can do it and if I get too scared I always think about how you enjoy it in your videos, in a way it calms me down. Thank you Brooke.
I find your art absolutely breathtaking and the feeling in the art is so amazing. It is as though each picture touches where my mood has been or right along with my same thinking pattern that is what drew me to it. The haunting beauty in each piece.
Hola! He descubierto el trabajo de Brooke hace un tiempo, alguien podria informarme como ver sus clases y la posibilidad de hacerlo con traduccion al español? Gracias. Vilma
Hello! I discovered Brooke’s work a while ago, someone could inform me how to see her classes and the possibility of doing it with Spanish Translation? Thank you. Vilma
So, my name is Sage and I am in a highschool photography class and for a project we had to find a photographer we liked. Someone chose you. And after reading your about page, we all have one question. why are you afraid of whales?
Thanks Darrell! I can be reached at http://www.brookeshaden.com/contact
Dear Brooke,
I hope this message finds you well. I know you are busy with your own projects, and life, however, I feel that if there is anyone
out there in the world that would be willing to help a person like me, it would be you. My name is Rachel Conrad. Born & raised in
Berks County, PA. Not far from where you grew up I understand. I am about to turn 41 years old. I have two young daughters, 7 and 5.
Youngest just began Kindergarten. I have a wonderful and supportive husband. Whom I am about to drop a bombshell onto.
I think part of my reason for writing to you is to tip my confidence over the edge, or give me the last little knudge that I need. As
mentioned above, my husband is very supportive of me and all that I do. I recently just got laid off from my job as a paralegal for which
I had worked for 5 & 1/2 years. I had a crazy medical issue, for which I am still recouperating, and while I was out, my boss decided he
didn’t want to practice law anymore. I am trying to take this as the first push.
My husband is a computer programmer who had his own business with a partner. Over the past year, his business has wound down. So…my
legal job was keeping us afloat. Now that I am officially out of work, I have decided to pursue photography full time. Unlike you, I have
always LOVED photography. I longed to be an artist and draw or paint the things that I saw in my head. However, I am not even a master
of stick figures I am afraid.
I do enjoy doing portraits. But settings, dress, feel, emotion that I want it to look like. Always narrative. My husband is all for
and has been helping me start a portrait photography business. However, the more I do, the more I am pulled to solely fine art and creating
the worlds in my head. The “bombshell” is this. I, finally at almost 41 years old (Birthday on Labor Day) am being true to myself and
telling hubby that I don’t want to do portraits, but fine art. I have finally, after all of this time realized what I am most passionate
about if I am being honest with myself. And that is fine art photography. I have always done what I am told, and did what I thought I
was supposed to do. I feel like I FINALLY have the courage to do this. To be true to myself, no matter if my Berks County family think
I am strange.
I am going to do it. I HAVE to do it. I will do it!
All of that being said, is there practical advice or leasons that can be learned or given, as to how to sell fine art? I am interested
in book covers and have been collecting local publishing companies to reach out to for book covers. But what about the prints themselves?
My dream is to be in a gallery one day, but also to sell Limited Prints of my work. But how does one do that? Do you just print like 5,
number, date & sign them? That part, I am so completley clueless. I am all self taught with photography. Selling things is what I
must learn. But I have always been blessed with a HUGE imagination and almost always inspired!!
My other hurdle is trying to survive financially while pursuing this. My husband has been helping me with tech and advertising. But he
is now the primary care giver for his disabled mother who lives with us. I’m not looking to become a millionaire. I’ve never even
wanted to be rich. I just want to make enough to pay my bills and live humbly.
*sigh* If I have learned anything from you, it is that anything is possible if you want it and work hard enough. I am not afraid to
work hard. I’m just afraid of loosing my house. ha ha.
My husband and I will think of something I am sure. I just am trying to get up the courage to finally be open with everyone else about
my dream.
There are so many places in the world that I want to see and touch with my bare feet. I am so wrapped up with anxiety, that I am so stuck
to PA. I could not get the courage to go to one of your NY Promoting Passion Tour. NYC by myself…I was getting sweaty palms just thinking about it. But now I am dying with regret. I am hoping that if I get the courage to do this, I will get the courage to change the rest of my life.
I hope in my heart that this letter finds you and that you have some advice, whether emotional or practical for me. And if you do read this,
please know how much your art has changed my life. And I know so many others!
Kind regards and best wishes always,
Rachel Conrad
Brook, you are a wonderful teacher and a true light in the arts community. You have come at just the right time to help people express their visions and uplift themselves. What a delightful, clear, and helpful approach you take! Thank you for the great service you do for all digital artists and enthusiasts. May all your work be blessed.
I saw two weeks ago the complete guide at usd 29 and wanted to reserve it.
Would you please tell me at what date this guide will be available again at this price.
I would like to follow it.
Thank you for your reply and work very inspiring.
Sylvie Pennanech
I enjoy your work and I am interested in what type of computer monitor you are using. I see in one of your videos that it lays on your desk. Is it touch screen, keyboard all in one?
If you could share I would appreciate it.
Hi Bob! It is a Microsoft Surface Studio 2
I would appreciate receiving the work sheets of the 4 workshops you are doing at Instagram. Thank you
Loving your work and everything you do to promote passion Brooke! You’re an inspiration.
Happy Mother’s Day to you.
I want to say thank you for sharing your passion. It is so contagious. And for not being afraid of showing who you are. In September I started to study commercial photography at the age of 48 after a long career in dance. I’m glad that I’m learning all the technical part but from the beginning I felt there was something missing. My teachers tell me that I have a tendency to go toward a path that will be really difficult meaning fine art photography. So I haven’t completely be honest to myself and tried to stay half way between both worlds. Last thing, I hated photoshop at the beginning. Since the pandemic, i have more time to play in photoshop and realized that I can do a lot more then I thought. The past two weeks, I have been watching your videos and you’re so inspiring! I want to say thank you for inspiring me to explore that side of me and play more with photoshop and for sharing your passion.
So let’s play! Will see what the next four months without school but plenty of time will do to my creativity.
Congrats. Welcome, to the journey.
Hello Brooke
Love your work. May I put two of your images on my blog about different genres of photo editing. This particular blog is aimed at inspiring others to start being creative in photo editing.
My blog is called Kick-Start your Creativity in Photo Editing. It’s my aim that the different genre images will inspire.
“Julia’s Garland” (fr. Guirlande de Julie)
I love your art! As I start to travel and photograph, sometimes I want to set my photos apart from just a general journalistic approach and create something more interesting. I love your concepts and your approach.
Have loved your work since the days of Creative Live. You have inspired me to finally take a jump and start executing the numerous concepts I have on paper and mind that are not part of our regular commercial work. Even though I know semi advanced photoshop i have purchased one of the series of your classes so I can stay more in tune with your techniques and executional style plus add things I know that I’ve used along the way, especially your sense of atmosphere and connection to the viewer with composition and story telling. Thank you and hopefully I will be able to go to a Passion event someday in the near future.
Good afternoon! I was led to you through a friend of mine when I was discussing an opportunity in the building I manager. We are looking for an artist to display their work in the lobby that we would transform into a gallery. The building will also provide space for receptions, meet and greets or space for classes, etc.
From the comments on the web-site it definitely sounds like there is a following that would love the opportunity to see your work in person.
Let me know if you have any interest.
I absolutely love your art. It is totally inspiring and so full of emotion. You really share yourself and your life and feelings through your photographs and writing. Thank you.
I look forward to receiving your newsletters and your 24 minute editing video
Thank you!